<font face="lithos" color="green">Koreandramasforall</font>


Korean soap operas (kdramas) are full of variety and humor: the plots are intricate and the characters are full of life. Kdramas are all about themes; gender benders, action, rom com, comedy, high school, ect. This is the page for sorting those genres and then narrowing down options so you know exactly what drama you will enjoy.

In 2013 I discovered my greatest joy in life, KOREAN DRAMAS!. There are very few things I'm truly passionate about; webkinz, chocolate, ramen, my grandmother, and my kdramas. I only hope to share my love. I am to kdramas as gandhi is to peace. Gandhi, however, found love for something much more reasonable than I, but still, taking on the duties of getting my fellow American lovers to watch shows that come with subtitles is an ambious job in itself.

The first Korean drama I watched was "Boys over flowers," which was a series of manga I read at the library. My mother had found that it was turned into a television show and we (my mother, sister, and I) all decided to give it a shot.

For months after my sister continued watching and becoming more emotionally involved. My mother stopped watching because she found it troubling to both fold laundry and read subtitles. And I, well.. I threw myself into the shows. I watched them all the time and the faster my sister stopped watching, the more love I found for them. I watched and watched until I had netflixed out of kdramas. So, I got two apps for korean dramas and I continued watching. Now, I watch in the shower, at night, if I wake up early, if I am procrastinating, if they've added a new episode. Some might find it odd, actually many find it odd, but this is only because they have never watched one.

Judith Barstow